MacDiarmid - traduction vers français
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MacDiarmid - traduction vers français

MacDiarmid; Macdiarmid

MacDiarmid, family name; Hugh MacDiarmid (1892-1978), one of the primary poets of Scotland; Alan MacDiarmid (born in 1927), New Zealander Nobel prize winner in Chemistry for 2000 for his work in plastic conductivity
Alan MacDiarmid         
Alan MacDiarmid (born in 1927), New Zealander Nobel prize winner in Chemistry for 2000 for his work in plastic conductivity
Hugh MacDiarmid         
Hugh MacDiarmid, (1892-1978) one of the primary poets of Scotland



McDiarmid, also MacDiarmid, is an Irish surname originating from a high king of Ireland circa 657 AD, popular in Scotland.

Exemples de prononciation pour MacDiarmid
1. on the Scottish poet Hugh MacDiarmid.
Agent Moliere - The Life of John Caincross _ Geoff Andrews _ Talks at Google